Listing Petitions
Archived here are just some of the scientific petitions the Center has filed to gain places for imperiled plants and animals on state and federal threatened and endangered species lists. The Center has gained listing protections for more than 350 plants and animals under the Endangered Species Act.
32 Northwest mollusks
404 Southeast aquatic, riparian, and wetland species
Acuna cactus
Amargosa toad
American pika (federal)
American, Taylor, Yosemite, Gray-headed, White Mountains and Mt. Whitney pika (California)
Andrew's dune scarab beetle
Ashy storm-petrel
Atlantic bluefin tuna
Bearded seal
Black abalone
Blumer's dock
Bocaccio (central/southern population)
Cactus ferruginous pygmy owl
California spotted owl
California tiger salamander (federal)
California tiger salamander (California)
Canelo Hills ladies' tresses
Cascades frog
Casey's June beetle
Cherry Point Pacific herring
Chiricahua leopard frog
Clear Lake hitch
Colorado River cutthroat trout
Cook Inlet beluga whale (1999)
Cook Inlet beluga whale (2006)
Death Valley speckled dace
Delta smelt
Desert nesting bald eagle
Dusky tree vole
Elkhorn coral
Foothill yellow-legged frog
Gentry's indigobush
Giant palouse earthworm
Gila chub
Great Basin spring snails
Headwater chub
Hermes copper butterfly
Holmgren's milk-vetch
Huachuca water umbel
Iliamna lake seals
Island fox
Island marble butterfly
Kern brook lamprey
Kittlitz's murrelet (Alaska)
Kittlitz's murrelet (federal)
Klamath River chinook salmon
Lake sturgeon
Las Vegas buckwheat
Least chub
Loggerhead sea turtle (northern and Florida population)
Loggerhead sea turtle (northern Pacific population)
Loggerhead sea turtle (western North Atlantic population)
Longfin smelt
Mexican garter snake
Mexican spotted owl
Mojave finge-toed lizard
Mono Basin area greater sage grouse
North American green sturgeon
Northern Rockies fisher
Northern sea otter
Oregon Coast spring-run chinook salmon
Pacific fisher (federal)
Pacific fisher (California)
Pacific lamprey
Pacific Northwest mollusks
Pacific walrus
Page springsnail
Palm Springs pocket mouse
Parish's alkali grass
Polar bear
Puget Sound killer whale
Queen Charlotte goshawk
Relict leopard frog
Ribbon seal
Ringed seal
River lamprey
Rio Grande cutthroat trout
Roundtail chub
Sacramento Mountains checkerspot butterfy
Sand dune lizard
Sand Mountain blue butterfly
Santa Ana speckled dace
Shivwitz milk-vetch
Sierra Nevada mountain yellow-legged frog
Sierra Nevada red fox
Siskiyou Mountains salamander
Sonora tiger salamander
Southwestern willow flycatcher
Spotted seal
Spring pygmy sunfish
Staghorn coral
Tahoe yellow cress
Temblor legless lizard
Thick-leaf bladderpod
Tricolored blackbird
Tucson shovel-nosed snake
Virgin river spinedace
Western brook lamprey
Western burrowing owl (California)
Western gull-billed tern
Yellow-billed cuckoo
Yellow-billed loon
Yosemite toad